Wednesday, 27 March 2013

New Years Resolutions!

Something I wanted to share with you guys is the fact that I have actually managed to be really successful this year - with my new years resolution of getting healthy!
Normally every year opens the same way - survive on salads and get up at ridiculous hours to go to the gym - for the first few weeks, til I get miserable and hungry and give up. But this year I wanted my healthy goals to be long term and focus on improving my diet and exercise routines, not starve myself on lettuce - and it has slowly but surely been happening! I have been reading as much information as I can get my hands on nutrition and exercise and am making a lot better choices than I previously was over the past few months.
I was thinking of putting up a series of posts following my diet and exercise makeover throughout the next months - including tips, helpful sources, books, recipes, workouts etc. that I found helpful and motivating as someone who always found it difficult to maintain a healthy diet.
I would love to hear your feedback on this idea! Would you guys be interested in reading posts like that? Would also love to hear if you guys have any books/websites/recipes that you would recommend.
Thanks again to all you lovelies for sticking by me in my recent time of lax posting, I'm really looking forward to sharing the upcoming posts I'm working on with you guys!


  1. I'd be interested in posts about your progress! They are always inspirational. I've fallen of the body moisturising wagon, so I might post on my blog that I WILL do it again and do little updates such as "yup, still moisturising" kind of thing, just to keep myself motivated :)

    So whatever helps you, go for it! xx

    1. Yay! Glad to hear it! I think I will definitely start to do some diet/fitness related posts :) ah body moisturizing is one thing I can never manage to keep up either - Good luck with it! Thanks for your encouragement! x

  2. Please upload your progress - it might motivate me to be healthy too! :p
    By the way, I've FINALLY answered your questions for the Liebster award, and nominated you for it too :) Check it out at

    1. I think I will definitely start some progress posts up ! :) hopefully it will encourage other people to join me! :)
      oh yay! thanks love! also I have been meaning to ask you - where did you get that BB cream you sent me in your swap package? I am IN LOVE with it! it is the only face product I have ever bought that matches me absolutely perfectly and the finish is just beautiful! I'm almost out of it though :( xxx

  3. congrats on your successes so far!
